What Is the Best Age for Eyelid Surgery?

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We’ve all seen eyelids that get heavier with age, whether in our neighbors, loved ones, or mirrors. Herniated fat or excess skin around the eyes makes people look tired and older than their years. In some cases, it even restricts their vision. But many people struggle with deciding to take action. When is the right time to consider a blepharoplasty or other eyelid surgery?

Dr. Scott reports that he has treated patients of all ages. Some people develop problems due to a genetic predisposition as early as their 20’s. He has also operated on patients over 100 years old. But generally speaking, people in their 40’s are on the younger end of the spectrum, with most patients between 50 and 80.

Ultimately, age is not the most crucial factor for someone considering eyelid surgery. Instead, examine how you feel. The right time to have eyelid surgery is when the changes like puffiness, wrinkles, folds, or lower lid sagging begin to bother you. You might consistently think, “I look tired,” “I hardly recognize myself,” or “I look like my mom/dad.”

Once your appearance reaches the point where you’re considering taking action, Dr. Scott recommends not waiting years to rejuvenate your eyelids. People who delay until the problem becomes extreme will most likely need more extensive surgery and might not reach the same end result.

There are also medical factors to consider. For example, a person who develops atrial fibrillation and their doctors will not let them come off blood thinners would not be a good candidate for surgery. Another example would be someone with severe eye dryness as this becomes more common as you age. You shouldn’t rush a decision, but just know it’s possible to miss a surgery window.

Some people worry that having surgery too soon will result in needing a repeat procedure later. This is possible since upper and lower eyelid surgeries generally last 10–15 years. No one can guarantee the problem won’t recur in the future, but there are things you can do to protect your investment. Stop smoking, avoid excessive alcohol, and reduce sun exposure for the longest-lasting results. Dr. Scott strongly urges against rubbing your eyes and recommends good nutrition and hydration.

If you have questions about whether the time is right, schedule an appointment with an experienced eyelid surgeon. They’ll gladly help you understand your options to restore your appearance and sight.


Meet Dr. Scott - Your Dedicated Oculoplastic Surgeon

Renowned for his commitment to enhancing your eyelid and facial appearance while prioritizing your safety. Dr. Scott is board-certified in Ophthalmology and has specialized fellowship training in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  With extensive training at prestigious institutions, including the Medical College of Virginia, Manhattan Eye, Ear, & Throat Hospital, and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Dr. Scott brings a wealth of expertise to his craft. His accolades, including recognition as a Top Plastic Surgeon by Northern Virginia Magazine, underscore his dedication to excellence. Dr. Scott's passion lies in helping you achieve the best aesthetic results while safeguarding your eyesight.

Location: Fairfax - Northern Virginia

Areas of Expertise: Cosmetic laser eyelid surgery ( blepharoplasty ), ptosis surgery, treatment of benign and malignant eyelid cancers, correction of eyelid malposition – ectropion, entropion repair, and Botox and filler treatment.