Correction of Ptosis & Droopy Eyelid

You’ll discover many different types of eyelid surgeries when talking with ophthalmologist Dr. Scott. For example, ptosis is a condition that causes upper eyelids to droop. Dr. Scott performs ptosis corrective eye surgery with an internal technique that leaves no visible scarring. If you have ptosis of the eyelids that is blocking your vision in one or both eyes, this corrective procedure may be covered by your medical insurance.

Additionally, droopy or sagging upper eyelids and other related conditions can restrict or block your vision in one or both eyes. Dr. Scott can correct vision impaired by excessive upper eyelid skin with laser eyelid surgery, and this procedure may also be covered by your health insurance plan. Dr. Scott can also remove the fat from the lower eyelids with an advanced technique that leaves no visible scarring.

After he became board-certified in ophthalmology, Dr. Scott trained under nationally renowned leaders in eyelid surgery. This means you will receive the attention to detail that comes from an oculoplastic surgeon who specializes in eyelid surgery, as well as the safety that comes from a specialist who is knowledgeable about protecting and improving your peripheral vision.

Correction of eyelid position

As we age, eyelids begin to stretch, which can cause the lower eyelid to turn inward (an entropion) or outward (an ectropion). Inward-turning eyelids can chafe the eye itself, as skin and eyelashes rub against the eye. An outward-turning eyelid can cause eye dryness, excessive tear production, redness and eye irritation. Left untreated, these irritating conditions can damage your vision. As a specialty-trained eyelid plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott can correct these conditions with an entropion repair or an ectropion repair on an outpatient basis.

We would love to help correct your ptosis/droopy eyelid today. Please call us at 703-620-4300 or use our convenient Request an Appointment form. We welcome patients from Alexandria, Annandale, Arlington, Fairfax, McLean and nearby locations.