We seldom focus on healthspan, but it’s just as vital as lifespan. The average lifespan in the U.S. is 77.5 years, according to the WHO. Meanwhile, the average healthspan is 66 years. That’s an 11-year gap! We need to focus more on improving the quality of our last decades, not just how
many years we have left. The best way is through education and knowing where you should focus.
The biggest threats to healthspan are heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk.
Diet: Adopt a heart-healthy diet. Emphasize plants, especially leafy greens and unprocessed foods. Opt for white meats like chicken and fish over red meat like beef and pork. Instead of rich desserts, satiate your sugar cravings with fresh fruits. In general, remember the best foods have just one ingredient.
Exercise: Regular exercise is crucial for any healthy lifestyle. Not only is it beneficial for the body, but it’s good for the mind — regular exercise reduces the risk of dementia by 28%. A recent study showed that just 11 minutes of exercise each day can help people avoid an early death, and help prevent heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.
Sleep: While research isn’t clear yet on how much sleep quality affects cancer risk, some evidence suggests that poor sleep quality increases cancer risk. It also impacts overall mind and body health, so getting enough sleep is vital.
Low Alcohol: Generally, excess alcohol is detrimental to your health. It damages the liver, adds calories, and can cause high blood pressure. It’s important to moderate alcohol intake if you want to assist your body’s healthspan.
While these take significant effort, they result in a longer life and healthspan. There are no downsides to eating better, exercising more, and better quality sleep. You’ll feel much better with a clear mind and active body throughout the day.
If you want to learn more about improving your healthspan, read Outlive: The Science And Art Of Longevity by Peter Attia, MD. This book is my favorite book on longevity!